
Started Working Remotely? Call Your Auto Insurer - Motley Fool

If you don't use your car to commute to work, it pays to let your auto insurer know.

Back in the day, working remotely was something that most people did on an as-needed basis. Sure, there were those lucky folks who got to telecommute, but for the most part, going into an office was still the norm.

The coronavirus pandemic changed that. When the outbreak first erupted, many companies were quick to shift their employees to remote work for safety reasons.

Of course, back then, no one would've imagined that so many people would still be working remotely a good 15 months later, but alas, here we are. And while some companies may now, at long last, be making plans to bring workers back to the office, others might keep their remote setups in place for the cost savings involved.

If you've started working remotely and think you'll keep doing so for a while, then it pays to make a phone call to your car insurance company. Looping your insurer in on that change could put money back in your pocket.

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You may be in line for a discount

The more you use your car, the greater the chances of something going wrong and you needing to file an auto insurance claim. On the other hand, if you'll be working remotely for the foreseeable future and won't be using your vehicle on a regular basis, it pays to let your insurance company know.

Most auto insurers offer some type of discount for low-mileage use of a vehicle. In fact, reports that drivers who have longer commutes to work pay an average of $7.09 more per month for insurance than those who drive less.

Now $7.09 may not seem like a life-changing sum, but over the course of a year, it could leave you with an extra $85 in your pocket. That money could come in handy for things like oil changes, car washes, and other maintenance items for your vehicle. Or, it could help you better cover the rising cost of gas.

Furthermore, your auto insurance company might cut you an even larger break than $7.09 a month on your insurance premiums if you won't be using your car to commute at all. It pays to have that conversation and see what discount you're eligible for.

Along these lines, during the pandemic, a number of auto insurance companies automatically gave out discounts or refunds on auto insurance premiums to account for the fact that so many people weren't driving to work. But don't expect those discounts to roll over automatically. Instead, call your insurance company with an update on your current and expected driving situation. If you have no plans to return to an office for, say, at least another year, then that should be reflected in the premium rate you pay.

Cheap car insurance isn't always easy to find. And if you're on a budget, it pays to shave down your costs as much as you can. If you're working remotely and intend to continue doing so, let your auto insurer know. Even if that only snags you a modest amount of savings, it's still extra money worth going after.

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